
Showing posts from January, 2022
 Top Selling Marketing Books How do you get someone to say yes? Marketing at its core is getting someone to agree to a proposition. Easier said than done… People are being asked for their attention and money all the time, and social pressures add a wrinkle to an already complicated and saturated competition for consumer attention. In his bestseller and arguably of the best marketing books of all time, Robert Cialdini breaks down how with thoughtful persuasion, people can be influenced to say yes more often. 3. How Brands Become Icons by Douglas B. Holt 1. Icarus Deception by Seth Godin You might recall that Icarus’s fatal flaw was not heeding his father’s warning to not fly too close to the sun. Furthermore, Daedalus warned his son to not fly too low, fearing that the saltwater would also damage the wings. In his lauded book, Seth Godin takes a hint from Greek mythology, pushing readers towards thinking radically outside the box, move forward without a map — critical skills for any